Monday, April 30, 2012

March 2012 Laos Day 3-4

Can't believe but time flies, the day for the departure already!
Fresh fruits for the breakfast....

And pancake. Yum!

Mount Phousi is the landmark of Luang Phabang.
People say it's amazing to see the sunset from the top of Phousi, and people also say it's too crowded there at the time of sunset.
So I was planning to go there in the morning instead.
There are several gates to Phousi, and I entered the one on the main street facing the national museum.

The entrance fee costs 20,000Kip.
There was a small temple near the gate and I prayed there for the safety of my climbing.

Then started walking....

And yay! Reached at the top!
It was a good exercise for me, never mind even though I couldn't take any pictures on the halfway.

You can see the the landscape of the town and Nam Khan River.

There are some benches  so that you can rest and refresh.
I wrote a few cards there.

On my way down I met a tourist group by 3.

One Japanese man, one Japanese woman, and one Chinese woman from Beijing.
At first they looked at me curiously and wondered if I am Japanese or not.
The Chinese woman said she came there alone, and told me "woman must be strong".
Yes, for sure, I wanna be much stronger!

There are lots of statues of Buddha.

They said there was a footprint of Buddha, but I couldn't find which it was.
They need more accurate sign inside.

Then I rambled about the town.

Boxer sold at Dara Market... ewwww!

Classical beauty salon.

Khao Piak at Saburo, near Wat Visoun, 8,000Kip.
I love this kind of taste so much, and squashed lime... I need their branch in Tokyo!

A school in Luang Phabang.

A typical local store near my hotel.
Various drinks are available.
Apparently they even have a wine cellar.

Brownie and ice coffee at Scandinavian Bakery on the main street.
Good for refreshment.
They had a pizza and it looked really nice.

As I said, time flies!
I went back to the lobby of my hotel and the lady picked me up at a little after 3:10pm and brought to the airport with the other several tourists.
There were 2 planes to Hanoi at that time, and somehow the mother and son stayed at the same hotel were given the tickets of Vietnam Airlines, while I and the other travelers took Lao Airlines.

The terminal and the restaurant/shop are in the separate buildings.
They say you can go out to the restaurant/shop after the security check, however, they also say that the planes have a possibility to leave EARLIER than the schedule, eh!
So I never left from the terminal building patiently until the boarding time.
And you board by walk....

The main building of the Luang Phabang International Airport.

Again, they had an in-flight meal. Okay.

Aaaand, Noi Bai again!

I had 6 hours until my flight back to Tokyo.
This airport is really small, while Hanoi must be the capital city of Vietnam.
Only 3 restaurants/cafes are available there, and 2 of them are the separated same restaurants actually.
When I met the mother and son they asked me if I would join in their travel in Hanoi until the boarding time, but I had no chance to answer, and in fact I was too tired to play in the city of Hanoi with US$14 payment for the exit tax.
Then I went upstairs to eat with the meal coupon given at the connecting flight counter.

There were a few choices in the menu and I ordered pho bo as I like pho.

Soon I regret because of its oiliness... and bitterness of the green tea....
In fact the pho I like is pho "ga".

I spent plenty of time there but still a few hours left.
Soooo bored.
You can't imagine how boring to stay in the small airport which toilet without paper has a broken door.
It was a wise choice of me to bring a book even though I wanted more space in my luggage.

Finally boarding time after midnight....

And in-flight breakfast unbelievably given at 3am(5am in Japan).

In general I enjoy every food without complaint.
However, for this meal I have to say I didn't feel good except a roll, tomato juice, and fresh fruits(while I can't believe them calling that roll "croissant").
Sleepless at the end of the travel + Japanese dish cooked in the other country might be the reason of the problem, don't ask me, I don't wanna remember, ugh.

Anyway I came back without any serious problem.
That's all, thank you for reading!
I've already started thinking about my next trip!

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